Digitalization audit

Evaluate your business digitization degree. Take this quick test.

You will get an objective assessment of your business digitization degree and how various IT solutions can help you perform better:

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Do you use accounting / management software (ERP)?*
I don't need it

An Enterprise Resource Planning software or ERP is a complex information system that helps you manage your day-to-day business activities, such as accounting, supplies, project management, risk management, general regulation compliance, as well as distribution chain operations.

In short, an ERP is the "brain" that coordinates and connects all departments under one single computer system.

Do you use a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program? *
I don't need it

A CRM solution is used to supervise the company's operations in relation to customers, whether marketing, sales, contracts, orders or projects, are to be managed.

These are all operations for which a CRM provides the big picture, helps you make important management decisions and gets rid of many of the repetitive tasks you normally have to do, such as sending emails, notifications, or generating business reports.

How well are your business's repetitive tasks digitalized?*
I don't need it

How does the digitalization of repetitive business operations work? 

Simple: all the repetitive operations that do not produce revenue in themselves, but are mandatory for all businesses on daily bases get done automatically.

Have you thought about how much time each employee loses, each and every day, writing emails, contracts, invoices, doing follow up on sales and managing customer requirements and complaints?

Well, these operations can be automated for the most part by setting up automatic workflows. These are widely used by CRM information systems.

Do you have cyber security systems in place? *
I don't need it

The issue of data security for companies and individuals has become a pressing reality, which must be addressed on a daily basis.

Whether it's a simple download of an unknown dangerous file in your email inbox, or any other type of cyber attack against your company, they all have the potential to destabilize your business and cause significant financial losses.

This is achieved via theft of financial data, or personal documents. Even worse, you or your company might be held legally responsible, if at least mandatory cyber security measures are not put in place at the time of the attack.

Do you have a presentation / sales website? *
I don't need it

Especially in current times, when most of us work from home, a presentation site or even an e-commerce site, is a must-have, and can no longer be looked at as just a fad.

In an increasingly digitized world, websites and e-commerce platforms have become the new offices and showrooms of our economy.

A 2007 website that looks bad and doesn't work well on mobile may not be the best business card for you.

Do you run online marketing campaigns (E-mail, SMS, Landing Page Campaigns, etc.)? *
I don't need it

Using online marketing channels (e-mail, sms or webform promotion), means more than just making use of some odd tools in the marketing or sales department’s arsenal. 

It brings a fundamental change to the way we think about and run our marketing or sales departments.

Do you import/ export data from/ to third parties? *
I don't need it

For many businesses (such as those that deal with e-commerce and communicate with courier companies every day or businesses with dozens or hundreds of distributors) internal productivity depends on efficient communication with business partners.

An automated system that sends orders to the courier or a software platform that allows the creation of web portals that connect business partners with some departments/ teams within your business can significantly improve your productivity.

Have you implemented a collaborative program for remote work?*
I don't need it

Remote work has suddenly become an emergency generated by the recent situation, but it might become a long-term reality.

Whether we’re using this system in times of crisis or approaching it as a natural consequence of our evolution, we are already feeling a need for organized long-distance communication between departments.

As long as we have high-performance collaborative software for remote work, this can bring many benefits for both employees and employers. 

For example, companies using this kind of system have significantly reduced fixed costs, such as rent, utilities and various supplies associated with running a traditional office.

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* All fields marked * are mandatory.

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Te felicitam pentru conștientizarea nevoii afacerii tale pentru digitalizare și pasul pe care l-ai făcut în vederea realizării radiografiei tale de business.

Veste proastă pe care ne-o spune punctajul obtinut este ca ai o afacere rigidă, în care angajații desfășoară multe operatiuni repetitive, nu beneficiezi de instrumentelele necesare pentru a genera business in mediul online si nici o strategie dinamica pentru farming/hunting de clienti.

Vestea buna este ca în cadrul afacerii tale există un potențial uriaș pentru automatizarea operațiunilor repetitive și creșterea productivității, folosind instrumentele digitale.

Dacă vrei sa afli mai multe despre aceste instrumente și să beneficiezi de un audit digital pentru afacerea ta, te asteptam cu mare drag la o discuție online.

Super, faci parte din categoria de antreprenori care au început sa investească în digitalizarea operațiunilor de business și folosirea instrumentele de vanzari online.

Avand in vedere punctajul obținut, te bucuri deja de o creștere a productivității în companie prin digitalizare, dar îti recomandam sa fi de asemenea constient ca lumea afacerilor și soluțiile digitale de business evoluează constant.

Există încă multe lucruri pe care le putem explora impreuna pentru a-ti duce afacerea la nivelul următor. Iti propunem stabilirea unui intalniri online, în care sa exploram întrebările și oportunitatile de business la care încă poate nu te-ai gandit.

Wow, ești un adevărat Ambasador al digitalizarii, ti-ai digitalizat cea mai mare parte din operațiuni, angajații știu și lucra fără sa fie “sefu” tot timpul la birou.

Suntem curioși sa te cunoastem si sa realizam impreuna o analiză privind impactul digitalizării în afacerea ta. Dacă vrei sa ne intalnim la o “cafea virtuala”, nu ezita sa ne contactezi.

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